Friday, July 2, 2010

Finding Solace

It's funny... this feeling... I want to be left alone but I don't want to be alone. I want to be a face in a sea of faces. I want to disappear for just 1 night.

It's funny that I can only find solace and solitude in a room full of strangers...

Monday, June 28, 2010


Things have not been going well for me lately. Seems like whatever I want will happen in the exact opposite way. It is as if Lady Luck left for a holiday and left me a mess to clean up.

A friend (who, by the way, told me to have "Faith in Humanity" a few years back) has a theory for this. She believes that a critical mass of "Suayness" (Bad luck) must be reached before any change can be seen. According to her, it is apparent(?) that I have yet to hit that critical mass so I should expect to sink lower before any good can come out of this.

So I better brace myself for more bad luck in the next few weeks. As another friend would put it, (when you are at the bottom of the valley) "The only way is up!"


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pain in the Backside...

I haven't felt like this in a while. That pain in the backside that you feel when someone you confide in tells on you... Furthermore, the tale is carried to the man on top...


Get me out of here!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Stuffed Nose? I have the solution...

Don't you just love it when you encounter problems and people are there to provide you with solutions?

Stuffed Nose? No problem, just stick your head into the freezer then breath in from your nose and out from your mouth. Stuffed Closet? No problem, just move your husband's clothes out of his closet and put your stuff inside. I am sure he won't mind. Stuffed Wallet? No problem, just give it to the hubby during the PC show. I am sure it will be unstuffed in no time.

But this post is not about people with solutions. Rather, this post is about people and their non-solutions. What are non-solutions? They are basically solutions that sound like solutions but do absolutely nothing to help your situation. Perhaps non-solutions are born out of good intentions, (or maybe they are just born out of kaypohness or the need to feel less guilty after you gloat at someone's misfortunes) but when you are caught in a rut, when you are stuck in the bottom of that emotional valley, non-solutions will seem like big rocks rolling down that valley.

Another characteristic of a non-solution is that unlike solutions, you don't have to ask for them, they will come looking for you. Need some examples?

It's Chinese New Year. You are sitting in the corner of your in-laws house, eating your gua1 zi3, minding your own business when suddenly Auntie 3 and Granny 6 surrounds you. Granny 6 asks you "when are you having children?" Auntie 3 reaffirms "My Ah Girl already have 3. Better start now." Maybe I didn't get the memo but when did child bearing become a race or a competition?

Then the barrage of non-solutions begins. You should go home earlier, don't play outside so much. (Duh, I go home straight after work everyday, even on saturdays and sundays). You got try talking to your wife or not? (Sex Education 101: Talking does not give you kids! Holding hands does.). You got go doctor and check whose problem it is or not? (You can make children by finger pointing? well, it depends on which finger I decide to use). Don't worry, You keep trying sure will get one. Don't give up ok? (Did we say we want kids in the first place?)

With that said, I think the solution to non-solutions is emphathy. Before giving solutions/ non-solutions, maybe you should hold back for 1 second and consider what the receiver needs. Does he really need comforting words or advice from you? Or maybe all he needs is a should to cry on, a pair of listening ears, a pat on the back and a mouth that is firmly closed?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Man in a Silly Red Sheet...

If I had to make the current state of my life into a TV series, it would be named "Lost". How I wish I could do a "Flash Forward" and see where I would be six months in the future. Would there be "gLee" in my life or would I still be stuck in "The Office" trying to pull a "Prison Break"?

Did someone "Lie to mE" and duped me into "CSI" - "Career Suicide Incognito"? Were I blind to the "Damages" that this would cause? Can I blame it on the "Supernatural", a strange "Ghost Whisperer" coercing me to do what I did? Or is this part of a greater scheme of things, "The Fringe" of what I am to become? Whatever it is, I am no longer "24" and like Jules in "Cougar Town", youth and vigor are no longer "Friends" of mine.

I know its about time I put on that super suit and become like Ironman, Spiderman, Ah Ma and Lao Po, all "Heroes" in their own right. Right now though, I feel like I am Superman and I can't fly...
