First impressions when we landed was that Qingdao looked very much like Singapore. It is a coastal area and there were really nice beaches around Qingdao.
The airport was small but clean and spacious.
The roads were not as crowded as Beijing and I noticed that not as many people were cycling in Qingdao. Drivers were also obeying traffic rules (probably because of the traffic cameras at every traffic light) and there was no horning. We proceeded to dinner and had our first Qingdao beer from Qingdao.
It tasted like... Qingdao. Not bad at all... Guess what I found in my hotel room...百闻不如一见。。。
Not cheap somemore... Cost 15 yuan per pack...
Our transport around Qingdao... It was a Buick..
Next day was a full day of factory visits, interviews and presentations and it totally tired us out. But check out our hotel that night... It was quite posh...
Don't ask me why I am wearing googles but I like this pic! =)
Qingdao also had lots of good food. Believe it or not, there are 300,000 Koreans in Qingdao and lots of good Korean food as well.
Service was also really good. I dropped my chopsticks and got a replacement in 2 seconds without even asking for one. Seafood was also an everyday part of the Qingdao diet. Lot of exotic seafood that I had never seen in my life. This was the ultimate... (not for the faint hearted...) I never eat!!!
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