Monday, September 29, 2008

Overheard in a POSH Cinema!

I went to watch "Painting Skin" with friends after class today. The tickets cost 55 yuan which is more than 11 SGD. More expensive than Singapore... The seat was cushy and the seating was good. Then the movie began and my nightmare started. The 2 girls behind me started talking LOUDLY the moment the movie began.

Auntie A: 你看,你看, 他们要kiss了!
Auntie B: WAH!

Eh Aunties, we can watch ourself. Cannot talk before or after movie meh? Must talk during the movie har?

The best is yet to be...

Nine Tail Wolf: 生哥,你爱我吗?
Sheng Ge: 我只爱我的夫人。。。
Nine Tail Wolf and Sheng Ge looks at each other longingly


Wah Lau, Uncle ah, at least spit softly lar.

Don't think I will be going to a theatre or Carrefour anytime soon...

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